Hello and welcome to MySelf Builder. Today we're talking about being intentional with our time. Intentional means done with purpose and consideration. It may require planning or just knowing what is most important.
Are you spending enough time with your family, friends, and those who truly care about you? Do you feel as if you are spending enough time investing in your future and moving to the next level?
I read a story about a herd of elephants in a St. Louis zoo the other day. A lost, small dog made its way into the zoo and kept barking. This dog's barking agitated the herd so much that one of the elephants sadly collapsed and could not be saved.
I've thought, "how could these large elephants who are so much bigger, stronger, louder, and powerful let a small dog's barking cause so much stress and confusion?"
Sure, barking can be annoying, but elephants are massive and wise. I wonder what would have happened if the elephants would have spent time trying to focus on something else, remained calm, and ignored the dog.
Are we being intentional with our time and thoughts? Or are we letting distractions and other small items keep us from thriving and becoming our best?
Stay focused on specific goals each day, find peaceful solutions to problems, and remain mindful of what you spend time thinking about and responding to. For more information or support with time management, visit MyselfBuilderDigital.com to schedule a session.
Keep Building!