General Discussion
Hello and welcome to MySelf Builder Digital Workshop where we provide online coaching and mentoring support services for students.
You may have seen ads about life coaching services from self-help experts, watched videos, read books, or listened to podcasts that discuss strategies for living a better, happier and healthier life.
There are several professionals, resources, and platforms that exist for those who want to positively impact others. So where does our business fit?
MySelf Builder supports collaboration over competition, and aims to inspire others to reach their full potential. People are constantly working to discover their purpose and the right place to thrive. Having conversations and developing new ideas can bring clarity and progress.
Remember that collaboration is key and that you do not have to build alone. Each weekday, I'm fortunate to work alongside students, committed educators, and families who strive for the best for their children. It truly takes a community to develop and share resources and opportunities that promote growth.
At MySelf Builder, we are committed to identifying how our foundation fits into a larger structure of helping others to become their best selves. We also want to continue to use this platform to highlight what others are doing to motivate and inspire others.
As we celebrate 4 years of service, we are thankful for the continued and growing support. Stay tuned for what's to come and as always, keep building!